Azeroth Wars: Legacy Reborn Wiki
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The Skull Of Guld'an have an Intense Demonic Powers,You can give The Skull Of Gul'dan to Illidan and he can absorb and get the Naga.


The Skull of Gul'dan Apearedd in Felwood Corupting it, Illidan Foun the Skull and absorb it and transform in a Powerfull Demon.

Events And Other[]

  • You can obtain it after the destruccion of Oggrimar, located in north Felwood whit Doomguards protecting.
  • You can give The skull Of Gul'dan to Illidan and he can absorb and get the Naga.
  • Add 6 Intelligence, Recomended to give to Lady Vashj.
  • Can traget in a Enemy decreasing their attack speed and movement momentarily.
  • (out of date , most of the events involving the naga are now out of the map)


The Icon of Skul of Gul'dan
